How to Earn Money Using Social Network Service?

Social Network sites or service is today's most opted and required need for each and every thing, since it revolves around our everyday life we all are totally dependent on it. Many spend a few hours on social media and get updated, but if you are addictive towards social media then you are generally going to spend more time. Spending a full dedicated day on social media is great but have you thought of using this time for making some attractive amount for yourself? It would be great!! Social media is an upcoming network and can become a lucrative business, if you know how to perform wisely along with your efforts. It is important to know your areas of interest, about the market, the competition level, and the ability to gain profit. TOUKU is an online messaging platform , where the users can do quick messaging and conversate with people relating to their business. The users can communicate and share the business details and information with other people, that are their followers a...